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Heart of a Thousand Crystals
Our new Platinum Mall has recently been refurbished and is looking beautiful, the mall between House of Fraser and Primark.
Platinum Mall is already home to some of our newest designer stores including Tessuti Men & Women, Phase Eight, Daniel Footwear and 360 Champagne and Cocktails.
As part of the transformation of the mall we have installed a giant heart-shaped chandelier. The chandelier is made up of a thousand crystals and you can own a part of our Heart of a Thousand Crystals chandelier. A replica of each crystal in the chandelier is now on sale from each of our Customer Services Desks which you can buy as a memento or gift for a loved one for £20.
All monies raised will go directly to the Children's Heart Unit Fund at the Freeman hospital (CHUF). So far we have raised over £16,000 towards CHUF, over half way to our target of £20,000 to provide funds towards the new Home from Home development currently being built within the grounds of the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle. You can see more about the Home from Home project by watching this video.
The Children’s Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital is one of only two centres in the UK offering paediatric heart transplant and bridge to transplant, with transplant numbers increasing to the point where the unit now provides almost HALF of the UK’s paediatric transplants. You can read more about CHUF by clicking here.
If you are interested in owning one of our crystals please visit any Customer Services Desk from 1st May* to purchase one directly. *While stocks last